FREIA Seminars

Experience on spoke cavity development and future plan at IHEP

by Dr He Feisi (Institute of Heavy Energy Physics)

82114 (Ångström)



The recent SRF R&D efforts at IHEP have been strongly linked to two large projects: high current proton linac for ADS and High Energy Photon Source (HEPS). A CW 10 MeV proton injector and part of the 25 MeV main linac for the CADS project have been developed at IHEP. Two cryomodules containing 14 SRF spoke012 cavities for the injector have been commissioned with 2mA proton beam at 10MeV in CW mode; while a third cryomodule containing 6 SRF spoke021 cavities for the main linac are being beam commissioned in Lanzhou. The HEPS and CIADS project may need to build and test 10 QWR and 56 double-spoke cavities in 5 years; at the same time, more elliptical cavities and cryomodules are expected to be manufactured for the Shanghai XFEL project in 7 years. To fulfill the requirement for post processing and testing of these cavities and the cryomodules, a SRF facility, within the scope of PAPS project, will be built in 3 years. The production and operation of the spoke cavities, as well as the layout of the new SRF facility will be addressed in the talk. The presenter: Dr. He Feisi , got his PhD degree at Peking University in 2014, and he visited Jefferson Lab for 2 and half year during the PhD study. Since then he works at the Institute of Heavy Energy Physics. His research experience was focused on the development of superconducting elliptical cavities, spoke cavities, main couplers, as well as on the testing and commissioning of cavities and cryomodules. He was in charge of the superconducting spoke cavities for the CADS injector-I project, and the construction of the PAPS SRF facility.