Extended Particle Theory Seminar
Thursday, 29 August 2019 -
Monday, 26 August 2019
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Understanding fermion masses in a gauged Froggatt-Nielsen model
Johan Rathsman
Lund University
Understanding fermion masses in a gauged Froggatt-Nielsen model
Johan Rathsman
Lund University
14:00 - 14:40
Room: Beurlingrummet
Understanding the hierarchies for fermion masses and their mixings is one of the outstanding problems in particle physics. In the standard model these are simply free parameters which are fitted to experiment. Froggatt and Nielson suggested that these patterns can be understood by introducing a new flavon symmetry. In this talk I will present the consequences of making this symmetry local and briefly discuss how the arising constraints from gauge anomalies can be solved using methods from algebraic geometry and properties of elliptic curves.
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
14:40 - 15:00
Room: Beurlingrummet
Rare B decays and search for new physics
Mahmoudi Nazila
Lyon University
Rare B decays and search for new physics
Mahmoudi Nazila
Lyon University
15:00 - 15:40
Room: Beurlingrummet
The role of flavour physics in the quest for new physics, the implications of the current measurements and future perspectives will be discussed, with an emphasis on the implication of the recent anomalies observed in the LHCb measurements.
Minimal anomaly free U(1) extensions: constraints, prospects & outlooks
Tanumoy Mandal
Minimal anomaly free U(1) extensions: constraints, prospects & outlooks
Tanumoy Mandal
16:00 - 16:20
Room: Beurlingrummet
In my talk, I shall consider minimal anomaly free U(1) extensions of the Standard Model with three generations of right-handed neutrinos and a complex scalar. Then, I shall show that the parameter space of a class of such models is heavily constrained by the electroweak precision test and the LHC data. I shall also discuss the Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation mechanism in this context and its future prospects. Finally, I shall discuss possible outlooks and future directions in terms of dark matter and collider signatures
The mostly SM-like Higgs, mostly …
Andreas Uppsala University
The mostly SM-like Higgs, mostly …
Andreas Uppsala University
16:30 - 16:50
Room: Beurlingrummet
The discovered Higgs seems to be consistent with the SM; yet we expect a modified Higgs sector from BSM physics. In this talk I show how to include light scalars in the 2HDM while naturally obtaining a SM-like Higgs boson.