Astronomy and Space Physics

Yixiao Zhou (Aarhus University): Asteroseismology with 3D model atmospheres

80127 (Ångströmlaboratoriet)




Title: Asteroseismology with 3D model atmospheres
Speaker: Yixiao Zhou
Affiliation: Aarhus University
Time: Thursday 28 April 2022, 1400 to 1500
Location: 80127Å and also online at


The coming years will witness rapid development in asteroseismology with the TESS satellite and later the PLATO mission, as well as the ground-based SONG telescope network.  With more detailed asteroseismic observations available, it is important to fully understand how oscillations are driven and dissipated in solar-type stars and the relationship between photometric (TESS, PLATO) and spectroscopic (SONG) measurement of stellar oscillations.  We have carried out 3D stellar atmosphere simulations of key benchmark stars to study these problems from a theoretical perspective.  The description of surface convection in the simulations is free from the tunable parameters typically adopted in traditional 1D models.  In this seminar, I will introduce the 3D model atmospheres used in this study, how they can be applied to asteroseismic problems, and compare our ab initio results with corresponding observables.