Astronomy and Space Physics

Ross Church (Lund University): The history of the Galactic nuclear stellar cluster


Title: The history of the Galactic nuclear stellar cluster
Speaker: Ross Church
Affiliation: Lund University
Time: Thursday 10th October 2024, 14:00 to 15:00
Location:  90102 Å

Abstract: The centres of galaxies are home to two unique types of object: nuclear stellar clusters are the most massive variety of stellar cluster, and super-massive black holes are the most massive black holes.  The properties of nuclear stellar clusters and the associated super-massive black holes are correlated.  I will present a model, based around N-body simulations, for the co-formation of nuclear stellar clusters and super-massive black holes, and try to convince you that a model in which nuclear stellar clusters form from the merger of globular-like stellar clusters can explain the demographics of galactic centres.  This rests on the ability of the most massive globular clusters to form intermediate-mass black holes, which then act as the seeds of supermassive black holes. I will discuss the application of this model to the Milky Way nuclear stellar cluster and show how close interactions between stars can shape the properties of the inner parts of the stellar cluster after formation.  Finally I will touch on the lives of binary stars in galactic nuclei.