Astronomy and Space Physics

Ida Svenningsson (Uppsala University): Electron heating through wave-particle interactions in turbulent space plasma (6 Month Seminar)


Title: Electron heating through wave-particle interactions in turbulent space plasma
Speaker: Ida Svenningsson
Affiliation: Uppsala University
Time: Tuesday 10th December 2024, 14:00 to 15:00
Location: 90103 Å

Abstract:  The Earth’s magnetosheath is a space plasma region consisting of solar wind plasma which is heated and compressed due to interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field. This turbulent region contains coherent structures and various plasma waves that affect particle dynamics and collisionless energy transfer. By investigating the nature of such processes in the magnetosheath, we can gain a better understanding of fundamental plasma processes in astrophysical, space and laboratory environments.

In this 6-month seminar, I present the projects that will constitute my PhD thesis. Through in-situ measurements from NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, I study whistler waves – electromagnetic, right-hand polarized plasma waves known to heat electrons – and how they interact with electrons. I show how whistler waves are generated by electrons in the turbulent magnetosheath. I also study the statistical occurrence and properties of these waves to unveil the impact of different plasma instabilities. In addition, I describe the use of local measurements to classify the magnetosheath, which aids future statistical studies of this key magnetospheric region.