Nuclear and Particle Physics

QCD at high-luminosity hadron colliders: treating jet correlations in high pile-up

by Francesco Hautmann (Oxford University)

Å73121 (Oseenska) (Ångström)

Å73121 (Oseenska)


Abstract: Experiments at high-luminosity hadron colliders face the challenges of very large pile-up, namely, a very large number of overlaid hadron-hadron collisions per bunch crossing. Primary techniques to deal with this at the LHC are based on precise vertex and track reconstruction. Outside tracker acceptances, however, lie regions of interest for many aspects of the LHC physics program. This talk explores complementary approaches to pile-up treatment and discusses recent results based on a data-driven jet-mixing method. Prospects are illustrated for experimental searches and precision studies in high pile-up regimes at high luminosity, showing how the jet mixing approach may be used, also outside tracker acceptances, to treat correlation observables and effects of hard jets from pile-up.