Nuclear and Particle Physics

Beam diagnostics and dynamics in nonlinear fields (pre-defence seminar)

by Jim Ögren (Uppsala University)



Abstract: In this seminar I will present the work that is the basis of my forthcoming thesis, which includes both experimental and theoretical work on accelerator physics. A candidate for a future linear electron-positron collider is the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), which is based on normal conducting accelerating structures. These accelerating structures have a co-propagating octupolar mode of the radio-frequency fields and we have explored different methods to use this nonlinear field for beam-based diagnostics. Another issue with nonlinear fields is that they limit stability. This is especially true for storage rings that push performance such as diffraction-limited synchrotron light sources or high-energy hadron machines such as the Future Circular Collider (FCC). Here we consider a setup with octupole magnets placed in such a way that many resonances cancel.