FREIA Seminars

Remedy Procedures Against Cavity Limits During a Cryomodule Test

by Dr Younguk Sohn

82114 (Ångström)



Abstract; During a cryomoule test, a lot of troubles would be met with simple mechanical problems to severe electromagnetic occurrences such as multipacting and field emission. Fortunately, these troubles are known well from the experiences among many SRF research groups, so that each cavity would be prepared with highest carefulness. Even though these efforts, a large portion of SRF cryomodule tests would suffer from various troubles. FREIA, which have conducted cavity tests and have the test plan of spoke cryomodules from the next year, can’t be free from these problems. The presentation is to discuss the preparation against these happenings with/from experiences by myself and also by other SRF research groups, considering discussion at the “dirty cavity workshop” held in Berlin, Germany in the last September.