Nuclear and Particle Physics

X-rays by Compton Scattering and Sources Driven by SRF Linacs

by G. A. Krafft (Old Dominion University/Jefferson Lab)

10238 (Beurlingrummet) (Ångström)

10238 (Beurlingrummet)


Abstract: The advent of both high intensity high average power laser beams and high beam quality electron beams from SRF linacs has led to a resurgence of interest in the idea of obtaining narrow-band X-rays through the Compton Scattering process. In this talk the main features of the X-ray beams to be expected from such such sources are reviewed, as well as some recent work relating to minimizing X-ray bandwidth through suitable beam chirping. Much of the talk will consist of a review of a spoke-cavity SRF linac designed for a Compton source, and predictions of the beam performance of the source linac through start-to-end beam simulations to the source collision point. Our conclusion is that excellent beam collision conditions can be obtained in this way.