Nuclear and Particle Physics

The ATLAS hardware track trigger at the High Luminosity LHC and BSM searches with tau leptons in the final state

by Mikael Mårtensson (U)



At the High-Luminosity LHC, the ATLAS detector will face 5 to 7 times more collisions per bunch crossing compared to the ongoing run. This requires the earliest levels of the trigger system to have very high rejection power while retaining high signal efficiency. As part of this trigger, a regional hardware track trigger is being developed with the aim to provide near-offline track resolution. This talk will discuss the design, implementation, and performance of such a trigger, with emphasis on how to filter tracker hits using pattern matching in Associative Memories and, alternatively, the Hough transform in FPGAs. The talk will also briefly mention two beyond the Standard Model searches with tau leptons in the final state: a search charged higgs boson decaying to a tau lepton and a neutrino, and a search for 3rd generation lepto-quarks decaying to bottom quarks and tau leptons.