Nuclear and Particle Physics

Low temperature refrigeration with natural working fluids + Mini-workshop

by Armin Hafner (Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway)

Beurlingrummet (Ångström )




The implementation of newly introduced refrigerants with lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a challenge for manufacturers, as legislative requirements forcing them to replace previously applied hydrofluorocarbons (HFC).

Energy efficient and environmentally benign alternatives like the natural working fluids: Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide and Propane have been introduced successfully in many sectors. Since over 140 years, Ammonia refrigeration systems have been successfully in the market. These units can outperform conventional HFC systems, especially at high ambient temperature conditions. The cost, availability and detection of the fluid are no issue on a global base.

Hydrocarbon based units, applying propane, are in focus and large-scale production lines are under preparation. A large number of chillers applying propane are installed across Europe. High temperature heat pumps are under development, too. 

CO2 has quite different fluid- and thermophysical properties compared to other working fluids. To be able to maximizing the energy efficiency and minimizing the total cost of ownership, the CO2 refrigeration system design must be carefully adapted.

The seminar will focus on the implementation of CO2 in low temperature applications to -55°C and outline the possibilities to reduce the operation envelope further by introducing blends of CO2 with other natural working fluids.   


Mini workshop:

Right after this seminar there will be a small workshop organized with the participation of prof. Hafner 11:15-13:00 hrs to discuss the feasibility of designing and fabricating a CO2 cooling system for the new ATLAS Si tracker to be used at the High Luminosity LHC at CERN.

This mini-workshop is sponsored by Big Science Sweden which will provide sandwiches and drinks during the workshop. For the ordering of the sandwiches and drinks we request those who intend to attend the mini-workshop to register their attendance by sending by latest 31 January an email with “CO2” as the only subject and content to the two email addresses;

Michele Battistin (CERN) - Presentation