In this talk, I discuss the interplay between hypothetical future collider observations and the detection of a gravitational wave signal produced by a strong first order electroweak phase transition. We have applied state-of-the-art methods for thermodynamics, a combination of a dimensionally reduced, three-dimensional effective field theory and results of both perturbation theory and non-perturbative lattice simulations.
In particular I focus on the real triplet extension of the SM, which admits a possible two-step electroweak phase transition. Our analysis provides support that a first order transition during the second step could generate a signal accessible to LISA generation detectors. Such a gravitational wave signal displays a strong sensitivity to the portal coupling between the new scalar and the Higgs boson. I discuss how the combination of direct and indirect measurements of the new scalar properties, in combination with the presence or absence of a gravitational wave detection, could test the model and identify the values of the model parameters.
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