We are pleased to invite you to a BASE workshop on the 19th of June at 11:00 - 14:00. The theme if this workshop is "Smart Batteries and Smart Functionalities". It will consist of two session with a lunch break in between. The session before lunch is focused on sensors for batteries and the second session on self-healing battery materials.
11:00 - 12:10, Session 1 - Sensors for Batteries, Speakers:
- Robert Dominko, Research Professor at the National Institute of Chemistry and a Professor at the University of Ljubljana
- Maciej Wysocki, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Materials at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- Patrik Johansson, Professor in Physics at Chalmers University of Technology
12:10 - 13:10: Lunch break
13:10 - 14:00: Session 2 - Self-healing Batteries, Speakers:
- Guiomar Hernández, Assistant Professor at Ångström Advanced Battery Centre at Uppsala University
- Maitane Berecibar, Full Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Head of the Battery Innovation Center