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Astronomy and Space Physics

Danielle de Brito Silva (Uppsala University): TESS metal-poor accreted star candidates and novel approaches to Galactic archaeology


Title: TESS metal-poor accreted star candidates and novel approaches to Galactic archaeology
Speaker: Danielle de Brito Silva
Affiliation: Uppsala University
Time: Thursday 7th November 2024, 14:00 to 15:00
Location:  90103 Å

Abstract:  The Milky Way is a beautiful mosaic of stars with varied origins. There is evidence that the Galaxy has undergone accretion events in the past, with parts of its stellar content accreted from galaxies that are now disrupted. Thus, studying these accreted stars is essential to better understand the past of the Milky Way as well as the evolutionary history of its building blocks. In this context, significant efforts by various groups have focused on characterizing accreted stars and mapping the impact of accretion events on the evolution of the Milky Way. Combining data from TESS and Gaia DR3 with proprietary spectra, we selected metal-poor, counter-rotating stars in TESS and studied their chemical abundances, dynamical properties, and ages. In this talk, I will present our findings on the characterization of these TESS metal-poor, accreted star candidates, which are likely members of Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus. I will also discuss prospects for using a novel technique, stellar phylogeny, to Galactic archaeology studies, sharing results obtained using simulated data.