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Astronomy and Space Physics

Mikael Karlsson (Uppsala University): Diamond coronagraphs for direct imaging of extrasolar planets




Title: Diamond coronagraphs for direct imaging of extrasolar planets
Speaker: Mikael Karlsson
Affiliation: Uppsala University
Time: Thursday 13 February 2025, 1400 to 1500
Location: 80121Å


During the last 25 years we have been working with structuring diamond on the micro- and nanometer scale for a wide range of optical applications in the infrared region. In this seminar I will present our past, and ongoing work on developing diamond coronagraphs based on so called subwavelength gratings. These components have been installed on several ground-based telescopes, like the Very Large Telescope and W. M. Keck Observatory. I will also present our work on equipping the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer and the upcoming Extremely Large Telescope with diamond phase masks. Finally, I will shortly talk about meta surfaces as a possible candidate for high performing coronagraphs that can be of interest for future space-based telescope like the Habitable World Observatory.