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Nuclear and Particle Physics

ESS linac beam instrumentation and its challenges

by Benjamin Cheymol (ESS Beam Diagnostics)

73121 (Oseenska) (Ångström)

73121 (Oseenska)


The ESS linac is currently under construction in Lund with the aim of becoming the proton accelerator driver for the world's most powerful spallation neutron source. Along the accelerator and the transfer line to the tungsten target a large number of beam diagnostics instruments will be installed to measure the beam position, the transverse and longitudinal profile as well as beam current and beam losses. This series of instruments shall provide efficient operation of ESS, and ensure that the beam losses are kept low. This presentation gives an overview of the main beam diagnostics technology and their main features, as well as an introduction to a possible collaboration with Uppsala U. on a calorimeter-like detector for beam profile measurement.