Antihyperon-Hyperon production in antiproton-proton annihilations with PANDA at FAIR
Michael Papenbrock
Å12167 (Ångström)
The production of antihyperon-hyperon pairs in antiproton-proton annihilations involves the annihilation of at least one light (u, d) quark-antiquark pair and the creation of a heavier (s, c, b) pair. The scale of the production process is given by the mass of the created quark-antiquark pair. In case of the strange quark with ms ≈ 100 MeV this is close to the QCD cut-off at ≈ 200 MeV, meaning we are studying an energy region in which QCD is difficult to predict. By studying hyperon production we learn about the strong interaction in this energy region, i.e. the confinement domain. It is an open question what the relevant degrees of freedom are: constituent quarks and gluons, and hadrons. Spin observables, e.g. the polarisation, is an excellent tool in order to better understand the physical processes. These are accessible via the weak, parity violating decay of the hyperon which results in an angular asymmetry of the decay products.
The future PANDA experiment at FAIR will provide a unique opportunity to study strange and single-charmed hyperons. Simulation studies show excellent prospects for spin physics with hyperons with the PANDA detector.
Since hyperons decay weakly and thus have long life-times, their decay vertices are displaced with respect to the production point. This sets high demands on precise track reconstruction, especially since many existing methods rely on the knowledge of the point of origin of the track. Currently, a variety of different algorithms for pattern recognition and track reconstruction are under development, each of which have their own characteristics and advantages, and have to be tailored to the specific needs of the respective measurement.
Results from the simulation studies done by the Uppsala group will be presented and concepts for the algorithms relevant to the hyperon reconstruction will be shown.