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FREIA Seminars

CLIC / AWAKE - Electron sources

by Kevin Pepitone (U)




At CERN, at least two different projects use electron sources, the first one to be presented is the photo-injector used on AWAKE (plasma wakefield acceleration). In this case, a long proton bunch extracted from the SPS interacts with a high power laser and a 10 m long rubidium vapour plasma cell to create strong wakefields allowing sustained electron acceleration. The electron beam to probe these wakefields is created by an electron accelerator consisting of an RF-gun and a booster structure to accelerate the electron beam to 16 MeV. This electron source provide beams with intensities between 0.1 to 1 nC, bunch lengths between 0.3 and 3 ps and an emittance of the order of 2 mm mrad.

The second is LEETCHI, the high current electron source demonstrator for the CLIC project at CERN, which produces 140 keV, 4.5 A, 140 µs electron beams at a repetition rate of 50 Hz. The beam is produced by the thermionic cathode, then diagnosed and dumped in a graphite collector.
