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Jun 11 – 12, 2019
Ångström laboratory
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Network Connection for Your Laptop

Network Connection for Your Laptop

Eduroam Wireless Network

For students and employees at Uppsala University, as well as researchers and visitors from other universities and higher education institutions.


UpUnet-S Wireless Network for Guests

Can be used by guest with Guest Identity.

A Guests Identity is an account created for a short time period giving visitors access to the wireless network UpUnet-S. In this way guests are able to connect to the Internet using the wireless network UpUnet-S available in most offices at Uppsala University.

If you need a Guest Identity, contact the local organizers, preferably before arrival as it may take some time to enable a Guest Identity.


UU-Guest Wireless Network

Uppsala University has a WiFi network for guests which will give them Internet access for 24 hours. UU-Guest is available at Segerstedt, University Main Building, Carolina and at libraries on campus.
Guests need a mobile phone to which we can send, by text message, username and password.
Guests connect to the network and a self-service page will show automatically.
After 24 hours, the guest can require a new account the same way.