Extended Higgs sector searches in ATLAS, production of an improved tracker for the ATLAS High-Lumi LHC upgrade and development studies for a monolithic pixel neutron detector
Eleni Myrto Asimakopoulou(Uppsala University)
628 6090 2260 (Zoom )
628 6090 2260
This will be a virtual seminar, and will be hosted in Zoom
The seminar will cover four HEP projects, each belonging to a distinct segment of large-scale experimental studies.
The ATLAS experiments, which is the common denominator of three of the projects that will be discusses, is one of the four major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The experiment explores a broad spectrum of physics studies and, to that end, the detector is designed for the collection of data for a wide range of signals.
The discovery of a Higgs boson at 125 GeV in 2012, solidified the power of the Standard Model (SM). A natural question is whether the discovered particle is indeed the scalar particle predicted by the SM or part of an extended Higgs sector. The existence of such an extended sector is predicted by many Beyond the SM (BSM) theories, such as the Two-Higgs-Doublet model (2HDM). The search for a charged Higgs particle, as predicted through the 2HDM, focusing on the tau nu decay channel will be discussed. Additional BSM searches, such as di-Higgs pair searches through the bbtautau decay channel, could benefit from beter treatment of backgrounds where jets are misidentified as taus. An overview of a unified method for fake-tau background estimation will be presented.
Presently the LHC is preparing for the High Luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC), where a factor of 10 increase in luminosity is targeted. The luminosity increase is equivalent to stringent demands on the detector, motivating an extensive list of upgrades in ATLAS. The Inner Tracker (ITk), where the Uppsala group is heavily involved, is one of the main detector upgrades. The ITk project and the scope of the Uppsala ATLAS group contributions will be outlined, focusing on the deliverables, workflow and overall project status.
Finally, a summary of an explorative study of the suitability of HV-MAPS detectors for neutron detection will be given. The HV-MAPS technology and its benefits will be introduced, followed by the project description, its current status and future goals.