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Astronomy and Space Physics

Amanda Karakas (Monash University): Galactic chemical evolution and the problem of binary stars



Title: Galactic chemical evolution and the problem of binary stars
Speaker: Amanda Karakas
Affiliation: Monash University
Time: Thursday 25 November, 1000-1100 (please note the special time)
Location: online at


The chemical evolution of the Universe is governed by the nucleosynthesis contribution from stars,
which in turn is determined primarily by the initial stellar mass. In this talk I want to focus on one
key outstanding question related to stellar nucleosynthesis and chemical enrichment: the problem of binary stars.
We know that most stars in the Universe have a gravitationally bound companion but this is not reflected in the
stellar yields used as input into most models of Galactic chemical evolution. Type Ia supernovae are historically
the one exception because these explosions can only happen in a binary system. Nowadays we also need to
consider neutron star mergers as a source of heavy r-process elements. How else can binary evolution affect
stellar evolution and the resultant stellar yields? I discuss results from new binary population synthesis models of
accreting white dwarfs and discuss new projects which will examine the effect of binary evolution on the
advanced evolutionary phases of low and intermediate-mass stars.