The meeting dinner on Tuesday November 11th takes place at Kalmar Nation in the center of the city (map) and begins at 19:00 .
There will be two options for the main course:
Alt.1: "Baconlindad kyckling med svamprisotto och basilika-creme fraiche"
Alt.2: "Svampbiffar med rödvinsås och potatisgratäng"
Suggestions for excursions and sights in Uppsala with neighborhood can be found e.g. via the Destinaton Uppsala website.

There will be two options for the main course:
Alt.1: "Baconlindad kyckling med svamprisotto och basilika-creme fraiche"
Alt.2: "Svampbiffar med rödvinsås och potatisgratäng"
Suggestions for excursions and sights in Uppsala with neighborhood can be found e.g. via the Destinaton Uppsala website.