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17–19 Jun 2013
Ångström Laboratory
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Introduction and Overview of RF Power Generation for Accelerator Projects

17 Jun 2013, 14:00
Polhem salen and 80109 (exhibition) (Ångström Laboratory)

Polhem salen and 80109 (exhibition)

Ångström Laboratory


Introduction and Overview of RF Power Generation for Accelerator Projects

  • Jean-Pierre KOUTCHOUK (CERN)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Tord Ekelöf (Uppsala University)
17/06/2013, 14:00
Roy Aleksan (CEA Saclay)
17/06/2013, 14:10
Roger Ruber (Uppsala University)
17/06/2013, 14:25
Mats Lindroos (ESS)
17/06/2013, 14:45
Dave Douglas (Jlab)
17/06/2013, 16:00
Gerardo D'Auria (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)
17/06/2013, 16:20
Lars Malmgren (MAXlab)
17/06/2013, 16:40
Erk Jensen (CERN)
17/06/2013, 17:00
Building timetable...