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21–22 Oct 2024
Humanistiska Teatern, Engelska Parken. Uppsala
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Important information

   Humanistiska Teatern. Engelska Parken. Thunbergsvägen 3C.   (Map)

Registration fee:                  
   The meeting fee, including coffee breaks and lunch on both days, is 1400 SEK             
  The conference dinner IS NOT included in the fee and needs to be payed separately. More information in the Conference Dinner link on the right menu.

Payment information:                  
   Please note that we can not accept cash or credit card payments. The meeting fee payment has to be done through transfer. See the Payment Instructions link in the left menu for more information.

   eduroam is available in all the venue building.

   Please upload your slides to the workshop indico page before your session. We will be running from a single computer to avoid delays between speakers transition.

   The conference fee includes the lunch on Monday and Tuesday.