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17–19 Jun 2013
Ångström Laboratory
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Upgrade Scenarios for the Advanced Photon Source RF Power Sources

18 Jun 2013, 15:10
Polhem salen and 80109 (exhibition) (Ångström Laboratory)

Polhem salen and 80109 (exhibition)

Ångström Laboratory


Doug Horan (ANL, APS RF Group)


The Advanced Photon Source (APS) rf power systems have provided high performance and exceptional reliability in their first eighteen years of operation. Maintaining reliable operation over this period has involved addressing issues such as component obsolescence, aging, and general wear and tear. A brief description of the APS rf systems will be presented, along with a summary of system performance. Upgrades scenarios to improve performance and maintain reliability for the next twenty years will be presented, including efforts to develop both a solid state and IOT option to conventional klystrons.

Presentation materials