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20–22 Nov 2019
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Please submit your abstract on the topic of modelling/theory, synthesis or characterization of kesterite or other earth-abundant chalcogenide PV materials or the associated solar cell devices.

You may indicate your preference for an oral presentation or poster, although the scientific committee will make the final decision to ensure a balanced scientific programme

The abstract is limited to 2000 characters, including spaces. You may also upload images if desired.

Important - please read:
When submitting an abstract, you will be prompted to sign in or create an account. Many of you will be able to sign in without creating an account, using the "single sign-on" option (if your institution supports this - try it and see!). If that does not work, create an account using your institution email address, and put the name of the conference (10th kesterite workshop) in the "comment" field. That will speed up approval of your account. Thank you!

Please contact if you have any problems!

The call for abstracts is closed.