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25–30 Sept 2017
Uppsala University Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Charged-current quasi-elastic scattering at MINERvA

29 Sept 2017, 14:00
Room IX (Uppsala University Main Building)

Room IX

Uppsala University Main Building

Biskopsgatan 3, Uppsala
talk Working Group 2: Neutrino Scattering Physics WG2: Neutrino scattering physics


Dr Cheryl Patrick (UCL)


Charged-current quasi-elastic scattering is a particularly interesting interaction to understand. Not only is it a key signal process for oscillation experiments, but its relatively clean signature makes it an ideal channel to study multi-nucleon effects in the target nucleus. Over the past few years, Fermilab's MINERvA experiment has produced several studies of quasi-elastic scattering using the low-energy NuMI beam, which peaks in the 3GeV region. I will present a selection of results for both neutrino and antineutrino scattering on scintillator, including the world's first double-differential cross sections in this energy range, explaining what these can tell us about nuclear effects. In addition I will show a new result which demonstrates how the quasi-elastic cross section changes when scattering from different nuclei.

Primary author

Dr Cheryl Patrick (UCL)

Presentation materials