WG3+WG4: joint session: Muon beam facilities
- Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College London/ISIS-RAL-STFC)
Andreas Knecht
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
29/09/2017, 14:00
Working Group 4: Muon Physics
Muons are an excellent tool for answering both fundamental and applied questions concerning the structure and properties of matter and consequently are in high demand at accelerator facilities. For the materials sciences, muon spin resonance techniques (muSR) are used to probe the magnetic structures of novel materials. In particle physics a number of fundamental measurements rely on the...
Ivana Belosevic
(Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich)
29/09/2017, 14:22
Working Group 4: Muon Physics
The next generation experiments with muons and muonium atoms require high-intensity muon beams with low energy, small transverse size and small divergence. At the Paul Scherrer Institute, we are developing a novel device that reduces the phase space of a standard $\mu^{+}$ beam by a factor of $10^{10}$ with $10^{-3}$ efficiency. The phase space compression is achieved by stopping $\mu^{+}$ in...