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25–30 Sept 2017
Uppsala University Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Towards realising PRISM based muon to electron conversion experiment

25 Sept 2017, 15:36
Room VIII (Uppsala University Main Building)


Uppsala University Main Building

Biskopsgatan 3, Uppsala
talk Working Group 4: Muon Physics WG4: Muon physics


Dr Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College London/ISIS-RAL-STFC)


To maximise discovery potentials of next generation lepton flavour violation experiments high intensity and high quality muon beams are required. Such beams can be produced by sending a short, high intensity proton pulse to the pion production target, capturing pions and collecting the resulting muons in the large acceptance transport system. By applying the RF phase rotation on the muon beam in the dedicated FFAG ring, proposed for the PRISM project, the beam quality can be substantially increased in terms of the momentum spread and purity. The parameters of the required proton beam, the principles of the PRISM experiment and the ring FFAG design are discussed. The spectrum of alternative designs for the experiment are shown. Progress on accelerator systems like beam transport, injection and RF are discussed. The current status of the study and its future directions are presented.

Primary author

Dr Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College London/ISIS-RAL-STFC)

Presentation materials