Structure and aims:
The workshop, already the fourth in a series after Uppsala (2006), Marseille (2013) and Suwon (2016), aims at discussing the physics, signatures, experimental techniques, existing results and perspectives of using large-volume neutrino telescopes to explore topics related to particle physics.
These include:
Scientific committee:
C. Pérez de los Heros (Uppsala, chair), M. C. González-García (Stony Brook/ICREA), A. Kusenko (UCLA), S. Sarkar (Oxford), M. Spurio (Bologna), J. Zornoza (Valencia)
Short welcome and practicalities
It is proposed to use the uniquely powerful ESS proton linac to generate a very intense neutrino beam, concurrently with the ESS base-line spallation-neutron production, allowing measurements to be made at the second neutrino oscillation maximum where the sensitivity to leptonic CP violation is significantly higher than at the first maximum. The same detector will be used to detect neutrinos from supernovae and to search for proton decay. A 4-years EU-supported Design Study of this proposal was started in January 2018. The current status of the design of the linac power upgrade from 5 to 10 MW by adding H- pulses between the proton pulses, of the pulse accumulator ring used to compress the pulse length, of the 4-fold target station, of the near monitoring detector and of the far Megaton water Cherenkov detector.
The proposed ESSnuSB project intends to have a megaton water Cherenkov detector built and a neutrino beam sent from the ESS proton linac at the second oscillation maximum. In this talk I will discuss the physics reach of the oscillation program of the ESSnuSB, including the projected sensitivity to CP violation in the lepton sector as well as searches for new physics such as sterile neutrinos and non-standard neutrino interactions.
Super-Kamiokande (SK) is a water Cherenkov detector located 1,000 m underground in Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo in Japan. It consists from a cylindrical stainless steel tank, 50,000 ton of purified water, and 11,000 of 20-inch PMTs. The fiducial volume of the SK detector is 22.5 kton. The experiment was started in April 1996, and currently phase V (SK-V) is running. In near future, we are going to move to the next phase, that is SK-Gd. In the SK-Gd phase, we are planning to add 0.1% of gadolinium to the current SK detector in order to enhance neutron tagging efficiency. The initial work (refurbishment of the SK detector) was done from June 2018 through January 2019.
In this presentation, a brief summary of Super-Kamiokande and recent dark matter search results with Super-Kamiokande are reported. As a future plan, the status of the SK-Gd project is explained. An expectation on dark matter searches with Hyper-Kamiokande will be also mentioned.
Astrophysical observations give overwhelming evidence for the existence of dark matter. Several theoretical particles have been proposed as dark matter candidates, including weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), axions, and more recently, their much lighter counterparts. There has not yet been a definitive detection of dark matter. I will discuss the expected signatures, detection techniques, status of the field’s search for direct detection of dark matter, and outlook for the future.
I will briefly describe GAMBIT, the Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool: its current status, latest analyses, as well as current and planned inclusion of neutrino telescope data. In the back half of the talk, I show recent combined constraints on dark matter annihilation into neutrinos, and briefly describe some prospects for novel BSM signatures at future neutrino telescopes.
The Baikal Collaboration continue to examine sensitivity of the new generation neutrino telescope Baikal-GVD to neutrino signal from self-annihilations or decays of the dark matter particles WIMP from the Galactic Center, the Sun and other promising DM sources like dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. The telescope of cubic kilometer scale Baikal-GVD is currently under construction in lake Baikal and is specially designed for search for high energies neutrinos. Since April 2019 the telescope has been successfully operated in complex of five functionally independent sub-arrays of optical modules (clusters) where now are hosted 1440 OMs on 40 vertical strings. The effective volume of the detector for neutrino initiated cascades of relativistic particles with energy above 100 TeV has been increased up to about 0.25 km3. Preliminary results in the GVD data analysis are discussed. Also summary results on DM searches is reviewed for five years observation with low energy threshold telescope NT200, which has been operated in lake Baikal earlier.
The nature of dark matter is one of the long-standing open questions in modern cosmology. While many different experimental methods are being explored, a clear signature for particle dark matter is yet to be found. In indirect searches, the final state particles of decaying or self-annihilating dark matter could be observed with existing astro-particle experiments. Due to their small cross-section, neutrinos are able to escape from dense environments such as the Sun or the Earth which makes them unique messengers for dark matter searches. The IceCube neutrino telescope has a diverse program on dark matter searches exploring different source regions and possible mass-ranges. Furthermore, various different models such as decaying, annihilating or secluded dark matter are studied. In this talk I will review the latest results and ongoing efforts of IceCube on indirect searches of dark matter with neutrinos.
The ANTARES detector is the largest undersea neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere, installed in the Mediterranean Sea offshore France. It has been continuously taking data for more than ten years.
One major goal of ANTARES is the search for high energy neutrinos potentially produced by self-annihilation of Dark Matter particles trapped in massive objects such as the Sun or the Galactic Centre. Latest results of ANTARES on the indirect search for Dark Matter from the Sun, the Earth and the Galactic Centre are presented. In particular, the results obtained by ANTARES on Dark Matter searches from the Galactic Centre lead to the most stringent limits with neutrino detectors on the annihilation cross-sections for high mass WIMPs.
Finally, preliminary sensitivities on indirect search for Dark Matter with KM3NeT, the next generation neutrino telescope already under construction in the Mediterranean Sea, are also presented.
A neutrino signal coming from the Sun would be a smoking gun of WIMP detection. This possibility relies on the DM capture by the Sun driven by the local DM distribution assumptions: the local mass density and the velocity distribution. In this context, we revisit those astrophysical hypotheses. We focus especially on the DM velocity distribution considering different possibilities beyond the popular Maxwellian distribution. Some alternatives can be considered either through analytical approaches or from cosmological simulations of spiral galaxies. Most of the fitting formulas used to constrain the local velocity distribution function fail to describe the peak and the high velocity tail of the velocity distribution observed in simulations, the latter being improved when adding the local escape velocity of DM into the benchmark fitting models. In addition we test the predictions by the Eddington inversion method and study the importance of the galactic dynamical history. Finally we estimate the intrinsic variance of the capture formalism and its effect previously introduced capture boost with respect to the Maxwellian distribution.
Recent analyses of the diffuse TeV-PeV neutrino flux highlight a tension between different IceCube data samples that suggests a two-component scenario rather than a single steep power-law. Such a tension is further strengthened once the latest ANTARES data are also taken into account. Remarkably, both experiments show an excess in the same energy range (40-200 TeV), whose origin could intriguingly be related to dark matter. In this talk, I discuss in a multi-messenger context the allowed features of a potential dark matter signal at neutrino telescopes, paying particular attention to the neutrino angular distribution. In particular, I describe a new analysis on the angular power spectrum of neutrino events, reporting current dark matter constraints for different annihilating/decaying channel and performing a forecast for future data in IceCube-gen2 and KM3NeT.
Neutrino telescopes search for neutrinos produced by the annihilation of Dark Matter (DM) particles which accumulated at the centre of the Sun and of the Earth over the past 4.5 billion years. The present null result implies an upper bound on the rate at which DM can be captured by the two celestial bodies, and therefore on the strength with which DM couples to nuclei. In this talk, I will present a reanalysis of this null result, modelling the DM-nucleus coupling within the non-relativistic effective theory of DM-nucleon interactions. Within the same theoretical framework, I will also discuss the prospects for DM identification at next generation neutrino telescopes, focusing on PINGU as a benchmark detector.
Creating detectors with sufficient effective volumes to efficiently detect neutrinos above PeV energies requires the use of radio detectors. Using transparent media such as ice allows for the cost-effective construction of large detectors, owing to the large attenuation length of the order of 1 km.
Any particle interaction creating a shower above PeV energies leads to measurable radio emission, inheriting characteristics of the shower profile. This makes radio detectors sensitive to various interactions and processes.
I will review current developments, concrete construction plans, sensitivities, and proposed detectors.
In this talk we will review the present status of neutrino oscillation phenomenology, both in the context of the usual three neutrino scenario and in the presence of New Physics such as sterile neutrinos or non-standard neutrino interactions. Within this framework we will put a special emphasis on the role played by neutrino telescope data, discussing their complementarity with other experiments and their contribution to the global picture.
In this talk I will discuss some possibilities to search for heavy neutral leptons (with masses around the GeV scale) using the Icecube/DeepCore detectors.
Once early Universe cosmology and the process of reheating is studied in
detail, we show that EeV dark matter is quite natural in several BSM
scenario, from High-scale SUSY to massive spin-2 mediators passing through
moduli sector. EeV neutrino can be one of the possible signatures.
Natural water and ice are currently used as optical detection media in large scale neutrino telescopes, such as IceCube, KM3NeT/ANTARES and GVD. When charged particles, such as those produced by high energy neutrino interactions, pass through ice or water at relativistic speeds they induce Cherenkov light emission. This is detected by the digital optical modules of IceCube. However, slower moving particles, including potential exotic matter like Magnetic Monopoles or Q-balls cannot be detected using this channel.
A new kind of signature can be detected by using light emission from luminescence in water or ice. This detection channel enables searches for exotic particles which are too slow to emit Cherenkov light and currently cannot be probed by the largest particle detectors in the world, i.e. neutrino telescopes.
Luminescence light is induced by highly ionizing particles passing through a medium and exciting the surrounding matter. To utilise this new detection channel in neutrino telescopes, laboratory measurements using water and ice as well as an in-situ measurement in Antarctic ice were performed. The experiments as well as the measurement results will be presented. The impact on searches for new physics with neutrino telescopes will be discussed.
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory instruments one cubic kilometer of Antarctic
ice with over 5000 optical sensors in order to detect the light produced in
neutrino-nucleon interactions in the ice.
Magnetic monopoles are hypothetical particles with non-zero magnetic charge. A
wide range of masses is theoretically allowed for magnetic monopoles, leading to
a broad allowed speed range for a hypothetical flux of relic monopoles created
shortly after the Big Bang. A magnetic monopole traversing IceCube would produce
optical light through a variety of different mechanisms that depend on the
monopole speed. This light is readily detected by IceCube’s optical modules, and
the large fiducial volume ensures a high effective area for detection. The
different light production mechanisms also result in distinct detection
signatures and therefore require different search methods.
To date, IceCube analyses searching for a cosmic flux of relic magnetic
monopoles cover a large portion of the allowed magnetic monopole parameter
space, and have produced world leading upper limits on the monopole flux. There
are currently several ongoing IceCube searches for magnetic monopoles, and in
this talk I will report on the new approaches and recent results of these
A powerful tool to single out the production mechanism of astrophysical neutrinos is the study of their flavor composition and reaction type. While long tracks produced in muon neutrino interactions can be well identified, the large separation between sensors in high energy neutrino telescopes makes it difficult to distinguish electron and tau neutrino charged current as well as all flavor neutral current interactions. The latter classes of events induce particle showers, which leave an almost spherical Cherenkov light pattern, a so-called cascade. The detection of Cherenkov light emitted by Compton-scattered 2.223 MeV photons from neutron capture on hydrogen is a particularly promising marker for contained hadronic showers with energies exceeding O(10) TeV. Such a measurement would e.g. help in identifying tau neutrinos, improve the tagging of real W's emitted in anti-electron neutrino interactions at the Glashow resonance energy and would be instrumental in the search for high energy cascades produced by boosted dark matter. The latter may either produce a purely hadronic recoil or - if dominated by interactions with atomic electrons - lead to purely electromagnetic cascades. It turns out that large uncertainties on the production of evaporated neutrons in deep inelastic interactions do not limit the statistical accuracy of the method for samples of more than approximately 50 cascades. In fact, IceCube was able to show that even with a first set of 13 contained cascades, meaningful limits can be set.
Well understood and sufficiently low dark noise rates as well as a low fraction of PMT induced delayed pulses are a prerequisite for the analysis. Unfortunately, unexpected pulses delayed by around 100 -200 microseconds, most probably arising from IceCube's R7081 Hamamatsu photomultiplier tubes, limit the statistical power of the analysis.The absence of such photomultiplier artifacts is thus a vital criterion for sensors in future extensions of neutrino telescopes.
A next generation neutrino telescope, the Kilometer Cube Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT), is currently under deployment in the Mediterranean Sea. Its low energy configuration ORCA (Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) aims to determine the Neutrino Mass Ordering (NMO) with atmospheric neutrinos. In this talk, a sensitivity study to the NMO is presented. Thanks to the Earth matter effect and a low energy threshold of 3 GeV, ORCA is capable of constraining non-standard physics scenarios such as sterile neutrinos, Non-Standard Interactions (NSI) and neutrino decay. The ORCA potential to these scenarios will also be discussed.
Neutrino oscillations result from the interference between neutrino quantum states as they propagate. Weak coupling between neutrinos and their environment, including the quantum gravitational structure of space-time, can modify this interference, resulting in neutrino decoherence and the damping of oscillation probability over distance. This talk will present a search for neutrino decoherence using the IceCube/DeepCore neutrino observatory, which exploits a cubic km of glacial South Pole ice instrumented with over 5000 optical sensors to detect Cherenkov light produced by atmospheric and astrophysical neutrino interactions.
Looking to the future, the recently funded IceCube Upgrade will densely instrument a central region of IceCube with over 700 new optical modules, significantly enhancing low energy neutrino detection where atmospheric neutrino oscillations are observed. Prospects for neutrino oscillations measurements with this new detector will be presented.
IceCube has measured the atmospheric neutrino spectrum at TeV energies with increasing accuracy over the past eight years. At these energies, a matter-induced resonance greatly increases amplitude of the active-to-sterile oscillation probability for mass-squared-differences in the ${\rm eV}^2$ scale. Sterile neutrinos at these mass differences are motivated by the observation of electron neutrino appearance at L/E ~ 1 GeV/km by LSND and MiniBooNE. In this talk, I will present the status of the search for sterile neutrinos in the high-energy range.
As the neutrino-nucleon cross section increases with energy, a diffuse isotropic flux of high-energy neutrinos at Earth’s surface will be modified by interactions with matter in the Earth. The transmission probability depends on the neutrino energy, arrival direction, and cross section. Currently, IceCube has detected a statistically significant sample of neutrinos at energies above a TeV, making it uniquely positioned to make measurements of the neutrino-nucleon cross section at these energies. Here, I present some recent IceCube results of the cross section at TeV scales and higher.
In order to understand the mechanism that creates the observed small neutrino masses, physics beyond the Standard Model may be required. Indeed, many neutrino mass models give rise to non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI), which are therefore theoretically well motivated. Neutrino oscillation experiments are able to probe NSI in neutrino propagation via a model-independent low-energy effective approach, which is valid no matter at which mass scale the new physics occurs. The IceCube neutrino detector and its low-energy extension DeepCore collect large data samples of atmospheric neutrinos whose oscillations carry the imprint of neutrino coherent forward scattering in Earth matter. In the presence of NSI, both flavour-diagonal and flavour-changing neutral-current transitions lead to a generalised matter potential that IceCube is able to constrain. This talk will present the status of NSI searches at IceCube, with a focus on the results of a new analysis using a three-year all-flavour data sample from IceCube DeepCore.
High-energy cosmic neutrinos, with energies in the TeV-PeV range, provide a way to push the energy frontier of particle physics. Their flavor composition --- the relative contribution of each neutrino flavor in the total flux --- is a powerful observable that is unique to neutrinos. The flavor composition detected at Earth depends on the neutrino production process --- and so can probe the astrophysics of the sources --- and on the flavor transitions that the neutrinos undergo en route to Earth --- and so can probe neutrino physics. Because many high-energy new-physics models propose significant modifications to the flavor composition, there is a large potential to test neutrino physics by measuring the flavor composition with increasing precision. Representative new-physics models include unstable neutrinos, new neutrino interactions, sterile neutrinos, and the violation of fundamental symmetries. We will show concrete examples that illustrate how the tests of particle physics physics --- and of astrophysics --- via the flavor composition are accessible already today, and how the coming decade may extend these tests to energies a thousandfold higher.
The Earth is not fully transparent to atmospheric neutrinos above the TeV scale. Since absorption depends on energy and distance traveled, studying the distribution of the multi-TeV atmospheric neutrinos crossing the Earth offers an opportunity to infer its density profile by means of only weak interactions. In this talk, I will present the first neutrino tomography of Earth using actual data (one-year of through-going muon atmospheric neutrino data collected by the IceCube telescope). In a way that is completely independent of gravitational measurements, we are able to determine geophysical properties of the Earth’s interior (Earth’s and core mass, moment of inertia, density profile). Our results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach to study Earth’s internal structure, complementary to geophysics methods based on seismology.
I will give an overview of existing calculations of prompt atmospheric neutrino fluxes from decays of hadrons with heavy quarks.
A model with an eV-scale sterile neutrino fits the world’s short-baseline data significantly better than the standard three-neutrino framework. Yet significant tension exists between appearance and disappearance oscillation experiments in this model. Recent work has shown that allowing the heavy neutrino to decay reduces this tension and is preferred over the stable four-neutrino scenario. Including IceCube, which is unique in that it exploits the fact that matter effects enhance sterile to active conversion, alters the allowed regions and tension in these global fits. In this talk, I will present the latest global-fit results of the 3+1 sterile neutrino model, as well as the case with decay.
The DeepCore sub-array of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory is optimized for the detection of neutrinos below 100 GeV and has been operational since 2010. Its data has been used in previous studies to measure the disappearance of atmospheric muon neutrinos due to neutrino oscillations. Since then, there have been many improvements to the calibration of the IceCube detector as well as the selection of atmospheric neutrino events. A new sample of events using six years of DeepCore data incorporating these improvements has been developed for use in future studies. This talk outlines the features of the new event selection and the projected sensitivity to muon neutrino disappearance.
In the last years we measure for the first time ultra high energy astrophysical neutrinos with the IceCube neutrino telescope. This is not only an extremely relevant discovery for astrophysics but also a remarkable opportunity to test physics fundamental laws. In this talk I will discuss how we can use astrophysical neutrinos to test fundamental laws, I will review the current results, and present briefly the promising future.